Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday night frittata!

Good evening mes amies!
I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I took a break from cooking but still had some good eating! Saturday night we were cordially invited to our friends' home for dinner and were treated to an amazing lamb stew and South African malva pudding. It was all melt in your mouth and to die for and if I am able to acquire the recipes and try my hand at these delectable dishes, I will share my experiences!!
For tonight I thought I was going to utilize my crock pot but did not get an early enough start :(  So, I'd been thinking about doing something creative with eggs and looked up a recipe for a frittata. I don't have an oven-safe skillet so I needed something that I could bake in the oven in a pyrex or something. My internet search resulted in the following recipe:
I made it with turkey bacon and added turkey breakfast sausage and bell peppers. I wanted it to have more consistency and not just taste like an omelet. I'm happy to say that it was a hit. We had a friend over for dinner who is the equivalent of an adult "Mikey", so I left all the veggies out of one corner of the frittata. Even HE finished his plate so I consider that an accomplishment!! Boyfriend described it as "delicious". I served it with some hashbrowns and english muffins. Consider it breakfast for dinner, and who doesn't like that???
On the TV: Risky Business, classic.
I hope that everyone had a nice weekend, the sun was out in Chicago but the temps still need to come up substantially (35???).
Catch you later!

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