Monday, March 21, 2011


Hello virtual friends!! I wanted to introduce myself to you. My name is Ana and I have long been an avid collector of recipes. For a long time I simply collected them and hadn't tried them out. Well, the times they are a-changin' and I have now been actually trying out some of these recipes and making some of my own family recipes. I am not an expert cook, by any stretch of the imagination, I am definitely a novice! I thought that maybe I could share some new ideas for recipes to try, variations on certain recipes, personal experiences and maybe some quirky anecdotes ;) I would love to hear if anyone tries any of these recipes and how it goes and if they have any new twists on them, a virtual exchange of ideas and experiences! So, for those of you that have a lot going on in their lives but want to also try your luck in the kitchen, I hope you check me out! So far I have been staying away from recipes that call for ingredients that are a little too out of the ordinary (i.e., fresh ginger root, things I can't pronounce that are only sold in 1 or 2 stores) or call for some culinary techniques or cooking utensils that are out of my league (so far). So, I try to stick with the basics as much as possible! Here's to seeing what we can all learn and taste!! Buen provecho, bon appetit, buon appetito!!!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to star a blog where I try each of your creations when you make them and I will tell people how good they are!
